Entries filed under Publications

My talk about basics of effective communication at QA event

Recently I took part in the first event called WarszawQA – organized by the community of people interested in Quality Assurance in Warsaw. I gave a talk about basics of effective communication in the IT projects.

You may find my presentation here and the summary of the meeting here (both pages in Polish). I hope, that the video of the presentation will be released soon too.

My work inspiration

I was recently approached by curators of the Workspiration website to write about tools that I use in my work and sources of my inspiration.

You can read my entry here.

Securing online competitions

NOTE: This technical article was published long time ago. It may be not up to date. Please check for the newest versions of mentioned software. Also I am not able to provide technical support anymore. Thank you for your understanding.

In summer 2011 issue of the 2600: The Hacker Quarterly magazine I published the article titled “Securing online competitons”. It is based on my experience and features the case study of one of the interesting cases.

Click “Continue…” for the full text of the article.


Getting started with PHP templating

NOTE: This technical article was published long time ago. It may be not up to date. Please check for the newest versions of mentioned software. Also I am not able to provide technical support anymore. Thank you for your understanding.

Recently in Smashing Magazine I published the article about templating in the PHP:

In this article, we’ll cover how to separate the view of your PHP application from its other components. We’ll look at why using such an architecture is useful and what tools we can use to accomplish this. Here’s what we’ll cover:

  1. Learn some basic MVC concepts,
  2. Review some popular templating libraries,
  3. Play around with a small custom-made view class.
  4. Explore the basics of using the Twig library.

Click here to read the article.

Sample code for the article is available as a mercurial repository.